Frequently Asked Questions
Tahoma Parents is 100% Pro-Teacher! We believe that the vast majority of teachers within the district are high-quality educators who perform ethically.
That said, we are not afraid to hold the very few educators who abuse their position accountable.
Joining the PTA or PTO is a huge way to advocate for your children on a school level. We highly encourage any parent willing to do so. Please review our PTA/PTO Guidelines for information on joining your school’s chapter.
Voicing concerns to the school board is one of the best advocacy tools available to parents and concerned citizens. If you are thinking about submitting a statement to the school board, review our School Board Rules of Engagement and Protocols.
Tahoma Parents is not a Non-Profit Organization, but rather a volunteer group of concerned parents looking to advocate for our children. We are officially registered as a Political Action Committee which allows us to legally advocate for candidates and initiatives with your contributions.
In past elections, citizens donating to non-union endorsed candidates have faced bullying and backlash. By donating to Tahoma Parents, we can advocate on your behalf for candidates who share your values.
Tahoma Parents also uses donations to run this website so that we can inform our community on any abuses or controversial agendas within the Tahoma School District. -
Tahoma Parents cannot be successful without you. The need to advocate for your concerns in a protected manner is why we exist. Tahoma Parents will never share your information unless you specifically give us permission to do so.
When stories are shared with us we will first ask your permission to share the story while working with you to remove any details needed to protect your identity. -
Yes! Anonymous advocacy is something that has taken place since the founding of our nation. A great example of this can be seen with Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. These founders advocated for the ratification of the US Constitution under the pen name “Publius” in various New York State newspapers. The articles are now known as the Federalist Papers and are a major part of both our history and modern constitutional law.
As stated in a bench memo by Professor Franck, Associate Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, and Lecturer in Politics at Princeton University, "...writing under a pseudonym did not, in itself, do anyone any harm, and...such concealment 'is not necessarily a cowardly or sinister act.' As the original Publius argued in Federalist No. 1, keeping one's identity concealed can force readers to focus on the quality of your arguments, rather than on personalities. It's harder to get ad hominem about a writer you can't identify. So a pseudonym can serve a good purpose in public discourse."
The district is the entity that is accountable to the public, not parents trying to resolve problems for their children. While the concerns of anonymity are certainly understandable, those who take issue should first ask why many feel as though they can no longer advocate publicly. Many parents have experienced reprisal for advocating for their children. Many business owners have faced pressure and threats of boycott from Tahoma teachers union (TEA) members for supporting parental rights candidates publicly.
By advocating anonymously, concerned parents can continue to engage without reprisal, allowing all engaged members to focus on the quality of statements vs. the individual making them.
Public records may be requested by anyone using the district’s public records request form.
Tahoma Parents is NOT affiliated with or supported by any other group or organization. Who financially supports our PAC is public information which may be reviewed on the PDC website.
Tahoma Parents greatly respects the beliefs, customs, and ideologies of ALL children and families in the Tahoma School District. Our unique diversity makes us better! We also recognize that there is no way to appease everyone when it comes to sensitive topics such as gender ideology within schools. We strongly believe that the vast majority of homes in the Tahoma School District include well-meaning caregivers who raise their children to the best of their ability. To introduce such sensitive, controversial topics in schools undermines the efforts of those well-meaning parents and guardians.
Our answer is simple: Be kind, loving, and accepting of ALL! Leave the controversial, divisive stuff at home.
As of the 2022-2023 school year, all public schools in Washington State are required to provide comprehensive sexual education. More information on that here.
Tahoma Parents believes that age-appropriate sex ed is an important thing to offer all kids. We have reviewed all sex ed courseware in the Tahoma School District, and as it stands now, we believe Tahoma has done a thorough job keeping the material appropriate at every age level. We also appreciate that parents/guardians are encouraged to attend a virtual informational event before the curriculum is presented to their children each school year. Families are always given the opportunity to opt out if they so choose. All sexual education materials used within the district can be viewed here.
Tahoma Parents is incredibly blessed to have so much support from families within our community and beyond. As a political action committee (PAC), we are required to file our donations and expenditures through the PDC. That information is public and can be found here.
Tahoma Parents supports books with diverse sets of characters, perspectives, and ideas. We also believe that schools should consider age, varying maturity levels, and K-12 scholastic appropriateness when determining the makeup of their libraries. Books containing pornographic or hypersexualized content, for example, are not appropriate in a K-12 public school environment.
While some of our volunteers have personal social media pages, Tahoma Parents PAC currently is not represented on any social media site.