Teachers Union
What is the Teachers Union
and how does it work?
A teachers union is an organization of teaching professionals who advocate to protect the rights and interests of teachers. Union representatives participate in collective bargaining, which is a negotiation between the school district and the union over a contract that determines working conditions, compensation, and benefits. If an agreement cannot be reached, it may result in a teachers’ strike.
Tahoma Education Association (TEA) is the teachers union that represents the teachers in the Tahoma School District. See below for a list of all of the TEA officers.
Washington Education Association (WEA) is the largest statewide teachers union for the state of Washington, representing nearly 100,000 teachers and support staff.
Did you know?
The WEA advocates for and defends Critical Race Theory (CRT)? More information here and here.
There are examples of CRT in the Tahoma School District, including required teacher trainings? More info here.
The Tahoma teachers union (TEA) uses a PAC (political action committee), called WEA-PAC, to fund their endorsed pro-union school board candidates? More info here.
Teacher Contract
The negotiated contract between Tahoma School District & Tahoma Education Association (2022-2024).
OSPI Information
The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for the state of Washington is led by Superintendent Chris Reykdal. OSPI is the primary agency charged with overseeing public K–12 education in Washington state and works with the state's 295 public school districts and 6 state-tribal education compact schools, to allocate funding and provide tools, resources, and technical assistance. More information here.
To see the Washington State Report Card for the Tahoma School District, go here.
Callie Nordell
4th Grade Teacher at LWES -
Jamie Mercer
Vice President
Special Ed Teacher at STMS -
Martina Morgan
Social Studies & History Teacher at THS -
Kate Van de Vord
Behavior Intervention Specialist at Glacier Park Elementary