Ric Lewis Appointed District 3 Director: Pledges Transparency and Community Engagement

Ric Lewis has been unanimously appointed as the Director for Position 3 on the Tahoma School Board. A community-oriented individual, Lewis brings a wealth of experience from his service as a volunteer on the District's Tech Advisory, shaping recommendations for the Technology Plan and Technology Levy needs. Additionally, he has contributed to the community by coaching Tahoma Junior Bears football.

Director Lewis is actively reaching out to parent groups, including Tahoma Parents, expressing his commitment to transparency and community engagement. Recognizing the limited opportunity for direct community connection due to his appointment without an election, Ric pledges to make up for lost time by hosting open "Ask Me Anything" style discussions.

Acknowledging the complexities of school board communication rules governed by state law, Ric aims to explore ways to facilitate open discussions visible to the entire community. This step is commendable, signaling a genuine effort to foster dialogue between the entire community and the district—an initiative welcomed by many parents.

Director Lewis's dedication to the community goes beyond his role, as he plans to donate any income earned from the state during his service on the board. While holding the position until the next election in November 2025, Ric remains open-minded about the possibility of running for re-election, emphasizing the need to focus on one step at a time.

Parents and community members are hopeful that Ric Lewis's proactive approach to communication and community engagement will lead to a more inclusive and responsive Tahoma School District. As he takes on the responsibilities of District 3 Director, the community looks forward to positive changes and a more collaborative future under Ric's added leadership.


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