School Board President Michael Wiggins Resigns

Tahoma School Board President Michael Wiggins announced his resignation today.

Jan 17 2025

Please see the message below from Tahoma school board president, Michael Wiggins.

Dear Tahoma Community,

After much consideration and deliberation, and with deep gratitude and reflection, that I hereby submit my resignation as Director of the Tahoma School District Board of Directors, including my role as President of the Board, effective January 17, 2025. Please know that this was a very difficult decision for me to make,  a decision that I did not make lightly.  Reflecting on the progress we’ve made as a district over the past several years, however, I believe that I have made the greatest impact I can in that time. With high confidence and enthusiasm around all of the building blocks that we have put into place over the past couple of years, the time has come for me to refocus my attention and energy on some other personal and professional responsibilities and opportunities that I have put on hold during my time on the Board.  

It’s no secret that the past 18 months have presented significant challenges for our district, and I am immensely proud of the resilience, collaboration, and determination demonstrated by our Tahoma family of educators, staff, families, and community members as we have faced those challenges together.  In close partnership with our new Superintendent Dr. Ginger Callison, and all of our Tahoma partners, we have addressed some very difficult circumstances with increased transparency, clearer governance and accountability, sharper focus and clarity, and a renewed sense of mission and purpose. Through this collective effort, the Tahoma School District has made substantial progress to ensure that, heading into Tahoma’s next 100 years, we will continue to provide the tools and experiences every student needs to create an individual, viable and valued path to lifelong personal success - for that is our mission. 

As I think about my time on the Board, the thing that resonates with me the most is how, through all of the differing opinions and perspectives, every person I had the opportunity to work with or speak to sincerely had each and every students’ best interest at heart. That breadth of shared purposes is truly an amazing thing to see in any large organization, and I feel privileged and blessed to have been a part of it.  While I know the path forward will not be without its obstacles, I am confident that, together with that shared mission, our Tahoma family can and will be ready to overcome those obstacles and to fulfill our shared mission. 

Thank you for the opportunity to serve in this role. It has been an honor to contribute to the success of our students and the betterment of our community. I look forward to seeing where Tahoma goes from here.


Michael Wiggins

Tahoma School District Board of Directors

Tahoma Parents would like to extend our appreciation to Michael Wiggins for his service on the Tahoma School District Board of Directors. While we may not have always agreed on every decision, we recognize that Wiggins made a sincere effort to correct course in the district and worked toward increasing transparency, governance, and accountability during his tenure. His leadership during a challenging time has helped lay the groundwork for necessary improvements in our schools.

As he steps down from his role as President of the Board, we acknowledge his contributions and his commitment to the students and families of Tahoma. We wish him the best in his future endeavors.


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