Tahoma Teachers Union Prioritizes Teachers Over Children

The recent endorsements of existing school board incumbents by the Tahoma Education Association (TEA) have raised questions within the community about the union's priorities and whether these endorsements truly serve the best interests of the students. In a time when accountability and transparency are of paramount importance, it is crucial to evaluate whether these endorsements align with the welfare of the children in the Tahoma School District.

The TEA's endorsement of the current school board members comes at a time when the district is grappling with lawsuits and a lack of accountability related to alleged sexual abuse of multiple elementary-aged students by a paraeducator. This incident highlights significant concerns about the district's leadership and its ability to protect its students.

The endorsement of the incumbents by the TEA signals that they are more interested in maintaining the status quo and the existing leadership, which has been marred by a lack of accountability. Both Pete Miller and Malia Hollowell were serving in district leadership during these incidents of sexual abuse and have failed to ensure any form of accountability for allowing a predatory environment to fester within Tahoma. Moreover, Malia Hollowell has already resigned her position and will not serve if elected. Her endorsement appears to be based solely on providing the district the ability to appoint a candidate who aligns with its will. Additionally, Director Matt Carreon's sporadic attendance at board meetings raises concerns about his effectiveness.

The community expects that endorsements from teachers' unions take into consideration the track record of the school board and their commitment to implementing policies that ensure the welfare of students. This expectation is even more critical in light of recent lawsuits, which highlights the district's failure to protect students from harm. However, it is clear that the TEA's focus may not be aligned with the best interests of the students.

While teachers undoubtedly deserve representation, there must be a balance of interests that prioritizes the well-being of students. It is becoming evident that the TEA's primary concern lies in protecting district employees, potentially at the expense of the children's safety.

In the upcoming elections, it is crucial to vote for candidates who are willing to address the critical issues within the district. Maintaining the same leadership that has faced allegations of corruption and lack of accountability will not create a safe environment for our children. The community should carefully consider the priorities of the candidates and the endorsements they receive, recognizing that not all endorsements may align with the best interests of our kids.


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