Keeping Secrets from Parents? Tahoma Teacher Sends Students Concerning Questionnaire.

Concerning communication recently sent to Tahoma Parents shows a potentially alarming case of a Summit Trail Middle School (STMS) Math Teacher asking for her students’ preferred identities and offering to keep it a secret from family members in a required questionnaire.

Is the intention of the teacher to hide her student’s “preferred identity” from parents who may be unaware of what their child is experiencing? This is a common predatory tactic and very alarming if so. Stories of teachers hiding things from parents to promote their own agenda seems to be a common trend around the nation as of late. It is chilling when you realize that this may be happening in our schools.

Gone are the days of teachers keeping their beliefs outside the classroom. We have blurred the lines of professionalism under the guise of “tolerance and acceptance.” Now we have reached the point where one’s personal worldview is so important to push, it is acceptable to keep secrets from parents.

Parents must stay vigilant! Communicate and review what teachers are telling your kids and requiring of them.


Schools around the country are pushing agendas and hiding it from parents.


Tahoma Parents would like to thank the many teachers in the district who understand what it means to be a professional. We want to commend those who keep their worldview and divisive narratives out of the classroom. Thank you for focusing on creating future ready citizens with victor mentalities.

UPDATE 9/15/2022 @ 12:35 PM

We have received communication that the practice has been stopped by the teacher involved. While this is certainly a step in the right direction, we must continue to stay vigilant as parents.

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Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral To (SBIRT) - What You Should Know.


Senate Candidate Tiffany Smiley Meets with Tahoma Parents