“Are You Paying Attention?” - The Tahoma Parents’ Ad Banned by YouTube

Tahoma Parents recently put out an ad on YouTube in an effort to help raise awareness and reach parents regarding sensitive issues that are occurring in the district. The focus of this ad was to showcase that these issues should not be considered “normal” while seeking to motivate parents and community members alike to take action. Unfortunately, the content of this ad was deemed “too sensitive” by YouTube, leading to a ban on this video ad.

The fact that this video is considered too sensitive to show adult viewers, should concern every community member. Kids are living the realities of the actual events depicted in this video daily.

Parents of Tahoma, it is time to stop accepting sexualization, violence, and drug usage in our schools as "normal". It doesn't have to be this way, but it will require bravery, effort, and sacrifice from parents to make positive change. It will take people willing to step up to run for school board, head PTAs, and volunteering to be involved.

Let's work together to create a positive, victor-minded environment that is safe for all children.


Introducing the Tahoma Parents Community – An Online Forum for Parents and More


Parent Teacher Organizations in Tahoma Using Donations to Fund Political Measures